
decline of priests over the past 50 years in the US


decrease in the number of parishes*


increase of parishes without a resident priest*


Priests served through Called for More

What is It?

This two-year engagement transforms the process by which pastors are assigned to parishes and supported through these critical ministry transitions, offering data gathering and benchmarking tools, formational and growth opportunities and ongoing consultation.

Creates an experience for priests that will benefit their ongoing formation regardless of age or assignment

Provides a resource to parishes that can help them understand their unique role and opportunities as a faith community

Supports the diocese in improving its care of priests and parishes especially with transitions


Happier, holier, healthier priests with a renewed awareness of leadership preferences and skills that lead toward an individualized, future-oriented growth plan

Thriving parishes that have the ability to plan for growth due to an objective assessment of the community landscape, parishioner needs and dynamics

Ongoing diocesan clarity about priest preferences and skills to help plan and prepare for future assignments based on parish needs


Read the Called for More Case Study. This is an in-depth view of the impact Called For More has made in the lives of priests and the Church around the nation.