Catholic Leadership Institute wants to help you find the resources you need to help you move the needle on the areas of opportunity your parish has identified. This page includes some possible resources including third party publications and programs focused on improving the likelihood of parishioners to recommend their parish to a friend. These ideas are a starting place, and we recommend checking with your diocesan staff to see if they have any additional insight or resources for you, or if there are any existing partnerships or affiliations with successful programs in your locality.

You will find further resources under the individual 'drivers.' If resources for a specific driver are not yet available, please keep checking back as we are actively increasing our library of resources.

Catholic Leadership Institute Resources

CLI Resources - Recommend Parish Drivers Overview

In this video, a CLI Consultant reviews what regression analysis has shown to be particular drivers for parishioners to recommend their parish to a friend

Driver 1 - Recommend Pastor

The single most important survey item that drives people to respond that they would recommend their parish to a friend is a positive response to recommending their pastor. A parishioner who says they feel positively about their pastor is nine times more likely to recommend their parish.

Driver 2 - Sunday Mass Experience

A parishioner who responds positively to the prompt that their parish helps them grow spiritually as a Catholic through providing vibrant & engaging Sunday Masses are twice as likely to recommend their parish to a friend.

A vibrant and engaging Sunday Mass experience is not just a single component, but entails a holistic view of the parishioner experience, from 'parking lot to pew.'

If you have identified this as a potential opportunity for growth, Catholic Leadership Institute has put together a number of resources to help you address the Sunday Mass experience.

Find resources for the Sunday Mass experience here.

Driver 3 - Welcoming Community

A parishioner who responds positively to the prompt that their parish helps them feel part of a community by making them feel welcome and accepted and are twice as likely to recommend their parish to a friend.

Find resources for Welcoming Community here.

Driver 4 - Preaching and Homilies Connect with Everyday Life

A parishioner who responds positively to the prompt that their priests' homilies connect with their everyday life are 1.7 times more likely to recommend their parish to a friend.

Driver 5 - Parish information is easy to find

Perhaps surprisingly, the final significant driver for parishioners to recommend their parish is the parish making information easy to find. Parishioners who respond positively to this are one and a half times more likely to recommend their parish.

Clear communication of Mass times and parish events through websites, social media, bulletins, and Mass announcements are critical in engaging your community. Find resources about how you can make parish information easier for your community to find.

Other Resources


Becoming A Parish of Intentional Disciples - Sherry Weddell
Author Sherry Weddell gathered fellow Church workers whose years of service in parish ministry have yielded hard-earned wisdom and enthusiasm for the work of transforming Catholic parishes into centers of apostolic outreach.

Click here to find out more from the publisher.
Good Leaders, Good Shepherds - Lyles, Flanagan, Fowler and Zigarmi
Good Leaders, Good Shepherds is the fictional story of a priest who finds himself overwhelmed at a new pastoral assignment. With the help of two Catholic leaders, he discovers the God-given capacity to lead and shepherd his flock.

Click here to find out more from the publisher.

Programs and Tools

relit helps you take a step back to look at your parish life and ministries with a new lens, a renewed perspective. You will learn how to take the good work you are already doing and discover how these ministries can be more effective. Even seemingly everyday events, like offering coffee and donuts, can be transformed into opportunities to evangelize!

Learn more about this program.
Welcome - from Dynamic Catholic
Welcome is an overnight weekend experience for your parishioners given by men or women who have previously attended Welcome at your parish. Through fellowship, faith sharing, hospitality, music, individual and group activities, Mass, and more, participants have the opportunity to step back from the everyday to reflect on their lives and their spiritual journeys and build meaningful relationships with other men or women in the parish. (Men and women attend separate weekends.)

Learn more about this program.
Myparishapp - from Diocesan Publications myParish
myParish is a premium Catholic parish app that helps improve parish communication and outreach while offering the features that parishioners enjoy in a good app.

Learn more about this tool.