John Molloy
Leadership Consultant
For over fifteen years, John Molloy has helped people of all ages come to know God in a real way, love him deeper as Catholics, and serve him with the unique gifts they have been given, most recently as the Director of Faith Formation for the Diocese of Orlando. There, John coordinates the diocesan catechetical formation process and supports parish leadership teams.
John grew up in a very Catholic family in Steubenville, Ohio, where he experienced a personal conversion for the first time in the summer before high school. Since then, God has led him on an epic adventure that has included marrying his childhood sweetheart and being father to five kids.
John holds a bachelor’s degree in Catechetics and Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville, a master’s degree in theology from The Augustine Institute, and a Certificate for Spiritual Direction. He enjoys woodworking, craft beverages of various kinds, family life, and leading people to a deeper experience of the abundant joy that life in Jesus can bring.