Donald Hantz is on fire!

Donald Hantz is a participant in Catholic Leadership Institute’s Next Generation Parish endeavor in the Diocese of Jackson, Mississippi.

Donald is on fire for his faith! A convert to the Catholic faith through his wife’s inspiration, he is forming disciples, bringing people into the Church, and getting new faces to Mass even amidst the pandemic.

Fr. Tim Murphy, Donald’s pastor at St. Christopher Parish in Jackson, says, “Donald is going to ignite the entire parish.”

Find out why Fr. Tim says this by watching the video below of Donald chatting with Jim Goodell, a Catholic Leadership Institute Leadership Consultant who is working alongside Donald.

We hope you are as inspired by Donald as our CLI team is!

p.s. You will hear Donald and Jim speak about Parish Missionary Disciples (PMD); this is a special program within Next Generation Parish that inspires and equips parishioners to evangelize, teach others to pray, share testimony, and invite others to know Jesus more fully. Donald is a PMD all-star!

by Chad Peddicord

February 25, 2021

Discerning Insights About Leadership

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