“Peter and his companions had been overcome by sleep,
but becoming fully awake,
they saw his glory...”

Luke 9:32

A phrase from the Gospel of Luke that we heard at Mass a few Sundays ago has stayed with me: “fully awake.”

In so many ways, Catholic Leadership Institute’s innovative survey, the Disciple Maker Index (DMI), empowers pastors, parishes, and dioceses to be fully awake to data, strengths, and opportunities about their parish communities.

St. Luke writes that when Peter, James, and John became fully awake they were able to witness the true glory of Jesus Christ and ultimately lead others to know Him and love Him.

The Disciple Maker Index has the same goal: to inspire parishes, pastors, and dioceses to become fully awake to the voices of the people in the pews, fully awake to what is possible for their parish, and fully awake to how to deepen relationships with Jesus Christ.

Right now, we are seeing tremendous participation numbers. In the wake of the COVID pandemic, the DMI has taken an increasingly significant and impactful role; knowing the landscape, strengths, and needs of a parish is invaluable.

Your Voice is Important

Today, the Disciple Maker Index is open across the country for another round of feedback from now until April 4, 2022.

If your parish is taking the DMI, CLI strongly encourages you to complete the survey and ask your fellow family members and fellow parishioners to join you (it only takes 10-15 minutes!) – your voice is important, and we want to hear from you.

If your parish is not taking the DMI right now, we would be happy to share how you may join in this national effort. My colleague, Kyle, would be happy to share more information with you. CLICK HERE to email to Kyle!

Fully Grateful

Catholic Leadership Institute thanks respondents across the country who are helping parishes grow in listening, learning, and leading.

The Disciple Maker Index survey is truly transforming the way parishes and pastors set inspiring visions and motivating goals, care more fully for their communities, make decisions based on real data, and discover the spiritual needs of parishioners.

We are “fully” grateful for your participation!

by Mike School

March 31, 2022

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