Today I write to you as a Catholic, a parishioner, a believer, a champion for our faith, and the Board Chair Emeritus of Catholic Leadership Institute. I also write to you as someone who is worried about the question, “What if they don’t come back?”

No matter what we are feeling or seeing, the question is inevitable.

But WHAT IF we asked some different questions? Dan Cellucci does just that in his Innovation Talk with Our Sunday Visitor, which is why I am sharing it with you today.

Thinking about this question in a different way has given me a sense of hope, realism, direction, and a path to move forward. I know I’ve been searching for those amidst the chaos of our world, and maybe you have been too.

Dan closes with the line: “WHAT IF God is calling me to something greater?”

HE IS. He is calling me. He is calling You. He is calling all of us. I will pray for each of us as we open our hearts to that greater call from above.

p.s. I would embrace and appreciate any thoughts you may have after watching… just email our team at [email protected].

by Catholic Leadership Institute

December 09, 2020

Discerning Insights About Leadership

Our CEO Daniel Cellucci's weekly email, the DIAL: Discerning Insights About Leadership.

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Emboldening Our Clergy

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Forging Our Future

CLI provides vision and hope about the future of the Church with a humble, yet strategic approach.

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