Caring for Clergy this Christmas

“That’s why it is so important to have Catholic Leadership Institute by our side. Their efforts to embolden the clergy in vocation are crucial, if we are to forge the future of a strong Church.” — Fr. Gary Kastl

At Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI), the gift of the Incarnation inspires us even more deeply to use our gifts to: Ignite the Parish, Embolden the Clergy, and Forge the Future.

Our clergy are the image of Christ on earth, an image rooted in the birth of our Savior.

The Maji journeyed to Jesus and laid gifts at his feet, knowing how special he was. When we embolden the clergy we walk to meet them where there are and offer the gifts of: tools, coaching, resources, love, and support.

We offer our clergy resources that will grow, care for, and cultivate their own beautiful gifts. They have given their life for a baby born in Bethlehem who grew up to die for us.

At Catholic Leadership Institute, we provide clergy with the kind of support all too scarce in ministry today, giving them the courage, confidence, and boldness to reverse the decline of the Church and lead more people to that child.

SCROLL DOWN to watch a 1-minute video and hear a first-hand experience of an emboldened priest, Fr. Gary Kastl… who is emboldening others!

Hear from a great leader and shepherd in church, school, and life – Fr. Gary Kastl. Ordained a priest in the Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 2007, today Fr. Kastl is Rector of Holy Family Cathedral, Chaplain to the Legatus Chapter in Tulsa, and a board member for Saint Francis Health Care System. For two years, he ministered full-time at Catholic Leadership Institute, caring for priests and our ministry. This Christmas, we are grateful for the gift of serving Fr. Kastl and priests like him. Your generosity allows CLI to care for more clergy!

Fr. Kastl’s Story

When you look up the word embolden, it means to give someone courage or confidence to behave in a certain way. If you think about it, that’s what CLI does. They are giving a gift to clergy.

They are equipping bishops, priests, and lay leaders throughout the United States and Canada with new skill sets and new mindsets for how one looks at and carries out the very noble ministry that has been entrusted to them directly by Jesus Christ.

I can attest – both by being the beneficiary and walking alongside of other bishops, priests, and deacons who have participated in the ministry of Catholic Leadership Institute – that we have been given this new gift of looking at our ministries through skill sets and mindsets that are setting us up for success.

In 2013, I was sent to a little parish out in Broken Arrow, OK. St. Anne had all the potential sitting right under the surface of the water, waiting for a little bit of elbow grease and vision.

When I arrived, I had the support of Catholic Leadership Institute… they coached me; they supported me; they gave me feedback.

This little parish back in 2013 was about 600 families.

By executing on three key strategic priorities of hospitality, faith formation, and the updating of our facilities, we moved that parish to close to 980 families three and a half years later. We executed on a $4.5 million building project, updated the facilities, and erased institutional debt that was present when I arrived.

Some will say, “Well, that was just luck.” But the reality is that when you create a vision, when you create a plan, when you execute on that plan, and when you have the support to do what is right: it is there that the Church comes alive.

No luck at all. Just strategic, intentional leadership in service of God.

CLI is walking alongside clergy, not for a sprint, but for the marathon.

Catholic Leadership Institute truly is emboldening the life of the church through their ministry to the clergy. In turn, the people of
God are experiencing parishes alive, and the Church is fulfilling its mission to bring people to the person of Jesus Christ.

All of us can play a part in emboldening the clergy by helping embolden the mission of Catholic Leadership Institute.

On Christmas night, God gave us the gift of His only Son. Every priest and bishop who has dedicated his life to the miracle of that Child is a gift to us all.

by Chad Peddicord

December 15, 2022

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