You are the light of the world.
It's not a question or a suggestion.
These words of Jesus are a statement of identity and mission. No matter which word you emphasize in this sentence, the commission is clear: go out and make disciples.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is accepting this commission to be the "light" to the world in a bold pastoral planning process named "Beacons of Light." The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has been leading parishes through the process by establishing "Families of Parishes" - groups of parishes that are banding together to share faith, resources, and hope for the future and enrolling several of them in Next Generation Parish.

The Kettering Catholic Community is one such Family. This Parish Family is comprised of three parishes in a suburb of Dayton: St. Albert the Great, Ascension, and St. Charles Borromeo parishes. They recently completed the Envisioning Phase of Next Generation Parish with a team of individuals representing each parish community. The team consists of parishioners, pastoral staff members, and three priests who meet regularly to establish a shared mission, vision, and goals as a proactive approach to providing for the future. The team is under the care of outstanding leadership of Beacons of Light liaison, Cathy Magness, and CLI Leadership Consultant, Linda Banecker.
In a bulletin update from the Kettering Catholic Community earlier this year, Envisioning Team Member Mark Burian, a parishioner at St. Charles shared about his experience on the team: “This has been an outstanding experience with an exceptional group of Christ-centered individuals from all three parishes - working together as a team to develop an exciting plan for the future of our Kettering Catholic Community."
In May 2024, the Envisioning Team launched their Pastoral Priority Plan to all three parishes, beginning with a Vision Statement: We are a joyful Catholic community which welcomes, inspires and challenges all to be Christ-like. They Mission Statement builds on this call to be like Christ: Rooted in sacramental life, we strive to be a vibrant, active and welcoming Catholic community. We encourage all to give glory and praise to God through knowing and sharing God’s love in our homes, in our communities and throughout the world.
The plan then outlines the community's shared values, priorities, and goals - including rationale for each goal according to Scripture, Tradition, and data from the Disciple Maker Index. One such priority focuses on Forming Disciples:

Cathy Magness is excited about the future of the parish family with a plan like this in place, sharing: "We are a diverse group with varied experiences who came together with one purpose; to make our family of parishes strong, vibrant, and joy-filled. I am excited to watch our plan come to fruition for the next generation (and future ones)!”
The process has not come without its challenges. The Kettering Catholic Community encountered a pastor change during the Envisioning process, with Fr. Tom Nevels named as Fr. Ed Pratt's successor. Thanks to God's grace, exceptional lay leadership, the strong support of Fr. Tom, and the Next Generation Parish process, the Kettering Catholic Community planning process navigated these changes with fortitude and grace.
The prospect of merging or sharing faith communities can often be met with resistance and skepticism. The people of Kettering Catholic Community choose light as their response and their identity. Elizabeth Friel is a member of the Envisioning Team and Ascension Parish. She shares how the parish is choosing hope, “I have appreciated our resolve to speak from the heart and listen with the heart as we grapple with how best to bring our Kettering Catholic Community to fruition. We have chosen hope over discord; to view this as an opportunity; and to honor the gifts of the Spirit that emanate from all of us in all corners of Ascension, St. Albert, and St. Charles.”

As they begin the Implementation Phase, Kettering Catholic Community is enthusiastic about the Next Generation Parish process and the unity that the process has already ignited among the faithful. They are able to focus clearly and methodically on forming their goals, always united in prayer. The Parish Family shared the following in a bulletin announcement:
"Our future is full of hope!... Like the generations before us who built the parishes we now call home, we are called to build the future. This is our moment to provide a lasting foundation for the generations that follow."
The Kettering Catholic Community is a light, but not for themselves; they are choosing hope and lighting a flame that will be shared with generations to come!
Our CEO Daniel Cellucci's weekly email, the DIAL: Discerning Insights About Leadership.
CLI serves Church leaders, helping them rediscover their potential and forming them to be more intentional with those they serve.
CLI provides vision and hope about the future of the Church with a humble, yet strategic approach.