When we moved into our house last year, the previous owners left us a lot of stuff – a treadmill, a big screen TV, and expensive window treatments in our dining room. As we have spent the last year making the house our home, Tricia and I have tried to work with these curtains, though they are not our style. Whenever we have visitors over, inevitably the fact that the folks left these treatments or how much the curtains would’ve cost comes up in conversation. Despite this asset, the only space in the house that remains practically unfinished is the dining room. This weekend, both because I had enough and possibly because I wanted a little "dad time", I took them down. Almost immediately, the possibilities for the room were endless. It was as if our perceived value for the curtains hadn’t allow us to see what the room could be. It made me think, what other curtains in my life might be "locking my hope into darkness"? What, in my life or leadership, might have been costly to acquire? Are there things the world might perceive as "expensive", but keep me from being able to see what God wants for my tomorrow? Prayers for you as you let some more of God’s light in on your tomorrow. If you happen to be in the market for some lovely window treatments…I have a deal for you.

by Daniel Cellucci

August 14, 2017

Emboldening Our Clergy

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