Catholic Leadership Institute is privileged to have many multi-talented moms powering our ministry both within the parishes and dioceses we serve and as part of our own team.

Jenn Jinks Fiduccia is certainly one of those special women (CLICK HERE for Jenn’s bio)! As the Senior Director of Leadership Consultants, CLI is blessed by the many charisms Jenn brings to her vocation as a mother, her talents as a musician, and her tireless dedication to leading our Leadership Consultants, our frontline ministry facilitators. Jenn brings the loving and compassionate heart of a mother to all that she does for CLI and to those we serve.

It brings me great joy to share the original song below that Jenn wrote, entitled "Rejoice." The words are touching and powerful!

Of bringing this song to life, Jenn shares:

“Motherhood is one of the most precious gifts with which I have been entrusted. Lately, I have been praying with the image of Mary sitting at the foot of the cross of Jesus. As moms, sometimes that is our job. We cannot alleviate the suffering, but we can be present in it and trust that Christ loves us and suffers with us and those we love. ‘Rejoice’ captures that message.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our moms – those by genetics and those by chance, to spiritual moms and moms who did the best they could, to expectant moms and grieving moms. To all who act as a mother in many different ways…”

What a beautiful message! May all of you in our Catholic Leadership Institute family rejoice with the mothers in your lives this weekend!

by Becky Reilley

May 11, 2023

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