What often sets Catholic Leadership Institute’s ministry apart is the way in which we walk alongside leaders to create and implement goals. Goals are rooted in data and parishioner feedback - complete with milestones, tracked with great accountability, and implemented with passion and shared leadership.
As part of CLI’s Next Generation Parish endeavor, every parish creates a pastoral plan with a vision, priorities, and goals. They invite and inspire leaders throughout the parish to help implement these goals. St. Katharine of Siena Parish in Wayne, PA has taken their goals to heart and is working towards them with drive, diligence, and great faith.
To keep themselves on track, St. Katharine of Siena Parish meets regularly to discuss the work around their aspirational priorities and goals.
Below is a quick summary of the progress discussed at their most recent goal meeting. St. Katharine of Siena Parish is driving these priorities and goals forward with the ultimate goal in their minds and hearts: to make their parish a vibrant community that brings more people to know and love Jesus Christ.
This parish is proving that – with intentionality, faith, and leadership – great progress is not just possible… it is joyful!
St. Katharine of Siena Next Generation Parish Update
PRIORITY 1: Increase Parishioner Engagement and Action
- Increase the number of parishioners who strongly agree that St. Katharine of Siena helps them connect with a local Catholic community by making them feel welcomed and accepted to 50% from 32% by 2025 (DMI Survey Question).
- Increase the number of parishioners who volunteer on a monthly basis to serve a member of our community (not necessarily Catholic) to 25% from 15% by 2025 (DMI Survey Question).

PRIORITY 2: Provide Transformative Liturgies with Engaging Homilies and Music and Warm Hospitality
- Increase the number of parishioners who strongly agree that St. Katharine of Siena helps them grow spiritually by offering a vibrant and engaging Sunday Mass experience to 33% from 11% by 2025 (DMI Survey Question).
- Increase weekend Mass attendance by 25% to 800 from 650 (the most current weekend Mass count) by 2025.

PRIORITY 3: Equip Parishioners to Share Their Faith
- At least 100 people will have participated in one CCO faith study by 2025.
- Increase the number of parishioners who say they have personally encountered Jesus Christ and are growing as a disciple to 50% from 35% by 2025 (DMI Survey Question).
- Increase the number of parishioners who strongly agree that SKS helps them grow spiritually as a Catholic to 35% from 24% by 2025 (DMI Survey Question).

This is great progress - and is just the start to new growth for the community at St. Katharine of Siena parish. Additional outcomes to the priorities and goals above will be measured again at this end of this four-year journey with a retake of the Disciple Maker Index survey tool. "Please keep this and all Next Generation Parish communities in your prayers.
P.S. At the end of this month, I will be travelling to Italy and visiting Siena. I would love to bring your prayer intentions with me. Simply send me an email with your prayer requests, and I will pray for them each time I visit a church in Italy!
Our CEO Daniel Cellucci's weekly email, the DIAL: Discerning Insights About Leadership.
CLI serves Church leaders, helping them rediscover their potential and forming them to be more intentional with those they serve.
CLI helps empower and energize Catholic leaders by providing focus and courage to engage the culture with an apostolic mindset.