Last week, I gave one of the hardest presentations of my life, a Career Day talk for 5th to 8th graders. Not young enough to wow with simple tricks and not old enough to catch my wit, I was left having to focus on content. While I spoke about the Church and non-profits, all their questions focused on what it's like, "being the boss." "What do bosses get paid?" one asked. "What subjects do I have to study to become the boss?" asked another. "What do you like most about being the CEO?" said a third child. After hearing my list of likes, one astute 7th grader looked disappointed and asked, "You don't have to be the boss to do the things you like to do. What is so great about being the boss?" Not much, I guess, according to my 7th grade friend. His question, especially taking place before Holy Week, led me to reflect on what Catholic leadership asks of us, to adopt "Christ's way of thinking and acting"...all of it. We can't leave the brutality, humiliation, and tremendous loneliness of the Passion out of that "way". There's nothing so great about being the boss if Palm Sunday is your ultimate destination. The question is, are we ready to lead people through to Easter? In the moment, I couldn't answer my 7th grade friend. Thankfully, I brought pens and chocolates. Blessings for discerning your answer this Holy Week.

by Daniel Cellucci

January 10, 2016

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