It’s hard to believe we are more than halfway through the Jubilee year. Honestly, I’m not sure my conscience is more awake than it was six months ago. In fact, the more suffering I see on TV or on my Facebook newsfeed, the more I resonate with the increasing dullness of which the Holy Father speaks. Sure at home, I may feed my hungry children or give their thirsty bodies something to drink. But am I allowing even these small everyday gestures to change my heart? The hardest work of mercy for me is remembering that any of these efforts are meant to change me in the process – to understand what it means to be in solidarity with others and to deepen my relationship with Jesus. This Year of Mercy will not change us unless we seek out service and open ourselves to the personal conversion it can bring. I’ve got some work to do – how about you?

by Daniel Cellucci

July 25, 2016

Emboldening Our Clergy

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