Did you ever meet someone and know instantly there was some reason God wanted you to meet them? I started my Holy Week in some darkness and Dan-induced agony, challenged by some setbacks, plagued by some doubt, unsure of some next steps. Art and I weren’t exactly sure how we first connected over email some months ago, but on my drive back home after meetings in Washington D.C., it worked out that we finally got to meet. We both work in leadership development, both husbands and fathers and both devoted to our faith. We have a lot in common and had a great conversation. With adult children and some grandchildren, Art is in a different phase of life and I found myself wondering how I could ensure that one day, I’d end up like Art. Driving the rest of the way home, it struck me that at the heart of Art’s masterpiece was a gratitude for every experience, for every person he gets to encounter. Everything has value. Nothing is discarded. There was a peace to him that you could just tell came from a rock solid belief that God was guiding his life. As I celebrate the Risen Christ this Easter and in the Eucharist every Sunday thereafter, how can I better appreciate that in allowing Himself to be broken for us, Christ didn’t just give a piece of Himself, He gave us everything? Over just one cup of coffee, Art shared a piece of himself with me and it gave me peace during a difficult week. What peace do I share in the pieces I give to others? Easter Blessings to you and your families (and you too Art)!

by Daniel Cellucci

April 02, 2018

Emboldening Our Clergy

CLI serves Church leaders, helping them rediscover their potential and forming them to be more intentional with those they serve.

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Igniting Our Parishes

CLI helps empower and energize Catholic leaders by providing focus and courage to engage the culture with an apostolic mindset.

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Forging Our Future

CLI provides vision and hope about the future of the Church with a humble, yet strategic approach.

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