“God loves us; we need only to summon up the humility to allow ourselves to be loved.”
Pope Benedict XVI
Our little Norah is just exploding with words these days…and with a growing sense of autonomy. It seems like with every work trip, I come back to new words and phrases from my independent 2-year old. Her latest comments seems to accompany her control of the environment – “Me do it!” we hear with everything from getting changed to making pancakes. Despite the cuteness, as the husband of a former teacher/English major, I am expected to coach her on the proper pronoun. One day after a million “Me do’s” and me responding “I do,” Norah’s 5-year old brother finally asked, “Dad what’s the difference between ‘me’ and ‘I’ anyway?”
While Peter’s question was really “who cares?” I thought about the difference especially as it relates to faith and leadership. When I use “I,” I’m the agent. I’m the actor. I am in control. When it’s “me,” I’m the recipient. I’m the beneficiary. While on the surface both are self-focused, “me” conveys dependency. In my relationships, what’s my balance of “me” versus “I?” Does my leadership communicate my need for others or is it more of a one man show? In my relationship with the Lord, who’s the primary actor? “Have mercy on me. Grant us peace. Save us Savior of the World.” No doubt, we have a role to play – “I confess, We pray, I believe.” It’s true, there’s no “I” in team but there is most certainly a “me.”
CLI serves Church leaders, helping them rediscover their potential and forming them to be more intentional with those they serve.
CLI helps empower and energize Catholic leaders by providing focus and courage to engage the culture with an apostolic mindset.
CLI provides vision and hope about the future of the Church with a humble, yet strategic approach.