My six-year old Katie stumbled upon a toy catalogue already advertising Christmas deals. As she begged for every item she saw, I tried to explain how much things cost and the multitude of reasons we shouldn’t buy everything we see. Exasperated, Katie exclaimed, “Dad, if I don’t have to pay for it, I don’t care how much it costs.” Isn’t it the same for us sometimes with our faith? The “virus of indifference” can keep us insulated from the suffering others endure. It allows us to distance ourselves from not only opportunities to provide mercy, but opportunities to understand the ultimate work of mercy – the suffering of Christ. As I helped Katie count out the change in her piggy bank, I had a chance to inventory the mercy I have given lately. I wish I could get that antidote through a catalogue, but something tells me it won’t be hard to find if I look for it.

by Daniel Cellucci

October 24, 2016

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