Move over Oprah, Weight Watchers has a new poster boy. For those who know me well, you know that I love God first, then my wife, then, depending on the day, it’s a toss-up between any of my 5 children. I only have four children, you say? But, let's not forget bread. Nonetheless, my gut (figuratively, then confirmed literally) was telling me that I needed to impart some discipline into my eating. So, I downloaded the Weight Watchers app. Limited to 25 points a day, I began scanning my potential food choices and tracking my decisions. After a week of cycling through anger, shock, and the occasional fainting at the number of points my normal meals accumulated, I finally began to appreciate the wisdom behind the daily tracking. It made me wonder what would happen if I tracked what I was putting into my heart each day. As a leader and a disciple, do I have a daily habit of examining my soul intake? Have I counted the points from that gossip I shared or that unhelpful, petty comment I made? How do I quantify the harm to me, not to mention others? Am I seeking “zero-point” foods, such as prayer or service that not only feed me but give me the energy to be even “closer to the Lord”? Finally, do I take avail myself of Confession to help clear out the spiritual arteries and weigh-in from time to time? A month down and four pounds lighter, my waistline feels better, but I have a long way to go before being heart healthy.

by Daniel Cellucci

July 16, 2018

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