Recently, I received a text message from a good friend who I hadn’t spoken with in a while. “What in God’s name is happening in the Catholic Church?” My non-Catholic college friend sent me a link to an article she had seen online and wanted my two-cents on it. “Where to begin?” I thought. I typed a snarky response and deleted it. I typed another response about how I was feeling and deleted that one too. I penned a third one and just stared at it for a long time. Then my eyes moved back to her original question. For whatever reason, I read the commonly-used expression differently than how she meant it. “What, in the name of the Lord, is happening?"
My thought went to the response I was about to send to my friend and before that, all of my responses to questions in recent weeks. I even thought about many of the decisions, big and small, I have made in my various roles whether they be as husband, father, son, friend, co-worker, CEO, the list goes on. In my thoughts, and in my words, in what I have done, and what I have failed to do, for better or for worse, as a Christian, do I ask the question, “is this worthy of our Lord”? I may be "off the clock" at times in my job, but, in my faith, I am constantly a witness – whether I am aware of it or not. As we all make daily choices about what we do or what we say, what we post or how we respond, let us never lose sight of the awesome burden and sacred responsibility it is to do so in His name.
Discerning Insights About Leadership
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Santa Ana Winds
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Unoriginal Sin
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What Child is This?
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The Emma Effect
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