Little Norah was born Wednesday night, some 3 weeks early. Weighing just under 6 pounds, she was “Baby Girl Cellucci” for her first couple of hours out in the world. The original girl name we picked just didn’t fit. As we continued to look at her, the name just came. I googled to check if there was a saint. The meaning of her name came up first as “a woman of honor.” Perfect. Every time I’ve had the privilege to hold one of my children for the first time, I’ve immediately had the same juxtaposition of feelings. I know that I am not at all worthy of the responsibility but, also know, without a doubt, the responsibility is mine. The same should be true with my discipleship. I’m asked to hold it as carefully as I hold this new baby because, like her, it’s a gift. While I don’t deserve it, it’s my charge to cherish it and share it with the world in a way that’s worthy of Norah…with honor. P.S. I figured you wouldn’t mind seeing a picture of a beautiful baby over Pope Francis this Monday morning – thanks for indulging a proud dad! P.P.S. The saint is St. Honoratus – a fourth century Archbishop. Norah and I are doing some more research to find out what made him cool or if we need to be creative!

by Daniel Cellucci

November 07, 2016

Emboldening Our Clergy

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