If I’m honest, I’ve thought at times that my work meant more because it was “for the Church.” But in so many ways I’ve had it easy. At work, I get to pray daily, study my faith, and even get time to observe Holy Days! Discipleship is a conscious and consistent choice. The rare treasure comes when you choose to put your faith into your job regardless of what you do. In fact, I am starting to believe that the more significant contribution to “God’s creative work” are those living their faith in the world – in the bank, in the restaurant, and in the Home Depot. This Labor Day, I want to make sure I recognize the duty to not just work for the Church but to be a work of the Church in the world.

by Daniel Cellucci

September 05, 2016

Emboldening Our Clergy

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Forging Our Future

CLI provides vision and hope about the future of the Church with a humble, yet strategic approach.

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